Blog, AI Detector
Beat Scribbr's AI Detector & Bypass Plagiarism Checker
On its surface, Scribbr looks like a professional service geared to help students and educators with AI tools for proofreading and editing, AI detection, plagiarism detection, and citations. With a graduation cap as their logo, they know their target audience and mission.
However, there is no disservice greater to students than providing them with tools with lacking functionality. If we can bypass ScribbrAI Detection with ChatGPT and our own undetectable AI writer, then perhaps young AI users can take heed and look elsewhere for a more powerful AI detector.
StealthGPT prides itself on being able to bypass AI detection from any service, Scribbr is up next to bat and we’re throwing their AI checker straight heat and curve balls.
Table of Contents
What is an AI Detector?
Who Uses AI Detectors?
What is Undetectable AI?
ChatGPT vs Scribbr
StealthGPT vs Scribbr
What Strategies Can Help Avoid Detection By Scribbr’s AI Plagiarism Checker?
What is an AI Detector?
AI-generated text carries with it a certain writing style. That writing style is simple and precise because its algorithm is meant to dispense information that is easily understandable and clear with low readability. Once you understand these watermarks, such as perplexity and burstiness, you can measure for them and determine where any piece of writing contains AI writing or human writing. And that’s exactly what AI Detectors do.
Who Uses AI Detectors?
Content Creation is a field that spans between professionals and students, so as AI-generated content begins to reshape those fields, everyone in those spaces has found a use for AI checkers. Everyone that uses AI-written content has a use for detection software whether thats the Scribbr AI Detector, the TurnitinAI Detector, Copyleaks, Originality.AI, Quillbot, Hix, GPTZero, or any free AI detection tool. This means students, educators, bloggers and content moderators, all use AI content detectors to check their own content and submissions.
What is Undetectable AI?
Once you know what AI detectors check for, you simply have to manipulate those metrics in a piece of text to make it undetectable. The way you make text undetectable is by giving it a human touch. This is when AI humanizers come into play, able to take any text generated by AI technology, rewriting it to sound human by making the word choice and sentence structure more complex, random, and readable. With an undetectable AI service like StealthGPT which we’ll use against Scribbr in this case study, you have a writing tool that will generate high quality original content that will be indistinguishable from human text to Scribbr and other artificial intelligence detectors.
ChatGPT vs Scribbr
AI models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT usually get detected by any detection software with ease. This should be quite easy for Scribbr but is a good launchpad to show you how and if the software works on a basic level.

Now, lets pass this through Scribbr's AI detector:

As you can see, Scribber determined ChatGPT’s essay about academic integrity was 100% AI generated. Good job, Scribber. Now lets give you a real challenge.
Use our Free AI Detector to check your content
StealthGPT vs Scribbr
I’m going to pass ChatGPT’s essay first through our AI humanizer than have our Stealth Writer also generate an essay from scratch to compare the results and see how functional Scribbr really is. First, our AI Humanizer. Here’ is the essay after being made undetectable:

Now, lets take this essay and input it into Scribbr’s AI detector to see how it fares.

StealthGPT’s AI humanizer bypassed Scribbr’s AI detector with a 15% AI-generated score, meaning it was determined to be 85% human text.
Now, lets have Stealth Writer generate a fresh new essay without ChatGPT’s involvement at all. Here's the essay:

And here's what happens when we put Stealth Writer's essay through Scribbr:

With a 12% AI generated score, Stealth Writer was able to bypass Scribbr with even better results.
What Strategies Can Help Avoid Detection By Scribbr’s AI Plagiarism Checker?
StealthGPT garnered great scores against Scribbr, nullifying its detection capabilities. 15% and 12% are great score, but lets say you want the most undetectable text possible. Then, you have to employ certain strategies to ensure the text is as human as possible.
First, you can tweak the undetectability and tone settings of any text you generate in StealthGPT by clicking the cog in the upper-right corner of the input dialogue box. After setting undetectability to high, now lets give Stealthwriter prompts to further persoanlize the essay’s tone and word choice.
By asking Stealth Writer to write like a teenage girl that loves rap, certainly the text will shed any of the AI watermarks Scribbr found in it’s 12% AI score. Here’s how the new essay does against Scribbr:

With an 8% AI generated score, no one will be able to tell that you generate your essay in seconds with the power of StealthGPT.
The only real plus of Scribbr is that you the amount of times you can run its AI detector for free is unlimited. A great thanks to that feature for allowing this case study to be completed with ease. Now, although Scribbr was able to detect ChatGPT just like any other AI detector, it was unable to detect StealthGPT (Just like any AI Detector).
This is the test we have to use to determine whether Scribbr works at all though. With 86% of students using AI in their schoolwork, most of these students have wised up and started using undetectable AI services instead of ChatGPT on school submissions.
And sadly, although their mission of upholding academic integrity is a noble one, their AI tools are not sufficient in doing the job. Consider this another “W” for StealthGPT, no AI detector is safe so long as our software is out here putting an end to boring busy-work in academics.
How to Bypass TurnitinAI Detector?
Turnitin is the champion of AI detectors and immediately after updating, StealthGPT was still able to bypass their service. Our software is fullproof against the industry standard, so if you want to bypass Turnitin get StealthGPT, read more about making AI text undetectable, check your text against an AI detector yourself, and revise it until it’s 100% Human text just like you wrote it yourself.
Do AI Detectors Work?
Not exactly. Beyond the fact that even Turnitin has a 4% false positive rate at the sentence level and that most AI detectors showed proven bias against Non-native English speakers, most students are both using undetectable AI while most institutions are aware that AI detectors aren’t reliable enough to base an accusation off of.
Is AI Writing Plagiarism?
Not quite. Using AI writing for school work is AI plagiarism. It’s still a form of academic misconduct that can garner severe consequences but traditional plagiarism is the theft of words or ideas from another author without proper credit. Meanwhile, generative AI like StealthGPT always creates original content.