Blog, AI Detector
Does Phrasly AI Detector Work?
Phrasly AI calls itself an AI Detection remover. I suppose what they mean is, they’re an AI watermark remover. In other words, they're another undetectable software. We’re not testing the lackluster capabilities of their humanizer today though. Instead, we’re putting their AI checker up to the fire to see if it can detect ChatGPT and StealthGPT.
In the world of AI Detectors, usually the best come with undetectable AI services because who knows AI detection better than the rule breakers? Still, if an AI Detector in your toolkit doesn’t work, it’s indicative that the whole kit is lacking functionality.
Phrasly’s free AI detector lets you input 2,000 words at a time, which is pretty good. Hopefully it can handle our AI text. First though, lets run through the basics.
Table of Contents
What is an AI Detector?
How to Bypass AI Detection
Do AI Detectors Work?
ChatGPT vs Phrasly
StealthGPT vs Phrasly
What is an AI Detector?
The rise of OpenAI’s ChatGPT led to a massive uptick of plagiarism throughout academia and professional content creation. It makes sense, right? A technology comes around that generates text, people will take advantage of the tool to generate as many articles or essays as they need to make their lives easier or make the most money.
The market responded with a demand for technology that can detect AI-generated text so AI content could be easily flagged. AI Detectors such as Turnitin, Copyleaks, GPTZero, ZeroGPT, Hix AI, Writer, Quillbot, Originality.AI, and more are utilized by universities and search engines to catch the AI-generated content and separate it from the human writing.
How to Bypass AI Detection
The way these detectors work is by analyzing text for the watermarks of AI writing, which are simplicity and precision in word choice, sentence structure, and sentence length.
The market then responded to AI detection tools with undetectable AI software to bypass those AI detectors. If you can simply change the writing style of artificial intelligence into the writing style of human text, then you can bypass detection. That’s why these undetectable tools are also known as AI humanizers.
For more about how to bypass AI detection, this article covers through all the nitty-gritty details.
Do AI Detectors Work?
They work sometimes. Most of the time... I guess... That word “work” is a funny one in this context. AI Detectors may function against ChatGPT, but if everyone is using undetectable software, are they really working? Also, every AI detector has some rate of false-positive results in their AI score simply because some people have writing styles similar to AI writing in that they write simply and precisely.
Use our Free AI Detector to check your content
That’s why a Stanford study reported bias in AI detection software against non-Native English speakers. Still, even though it’s a flawed technology, many educators use AI detectors for the sake of protecting academic integrity. Other universities though, discourage the use of AI detection systems.
ChatGPT vs Phrasly
Now that we’ve covered the basics, onto the testing. Does Phrasly work? Well, in the most basic sense, it needs to be able to catch ChatGPT’s text in order to do so. Phrasly’s free AI detector has numerous options for your detection such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Human and Human + AI. These options are slightly outdated because there’s already a new ChatGPT AI model.
Lets see what happens when we run a ChatGPT generated essay through Phrasly. First, here’s our ChatGPT essay:

And now let’s run this through Phrasly’s AI detector:

Good job Phrasly. Phrasly determined the content 100% originated from an AI content generator. Once detected, you can then choose to use their humanizer tool. I’m not going to test their detector against their own undetectable content though, that would be too easy. I’m going to test Phrasly against the best undetectable AI content in the game, StealthGPT.
StealthGPT vs Phrasly
We can either humanize AI content from ChatGPT using StealthGPT’s bypass tool or generate our own undetectable essay with Stealth Writer, StealthGPT’s AI writer. Lets see what StealthGPT thinks are the best role playing games of all time:

Now, lets copy and paste our output and run it through Phrasly. Here are our results:

And just like that, Phrasly determined our essay was 100% human with 0/29 essays analyzed as AI text.
If you want the most advanced AI writer to give you the most high-quality, error-free text that is read as plagiarism-free by every AI detector, you need StealthGPT. Phrasly wasn’t powerful enough to give us even a 99% human score, we got a perfect 100%. StealthGPT is the best AI for any content creator whether they need text for school work or content for SEO and professional marketing.
There are so many AI writing tools out there, you need to harness the best AI if you really want to bypass detection. Phrasly’s detector might be weak but stronger tools are developed every day. The only AI detection bypasser you can get that will give you confidence in your content is StealthGPT. Educators and algorithms alike can’t tell the different between our text and human-written content.
Using ChatGPT is antiquated. You need a more advanced algorithm and StealthGPT is the best by far, giving you the most undetectable AI writing to elevate your work and workflow forever.
Is Using AI Writing Plagiarism?
Using AI writing is considered AI plagiarism, which is different from traditional plagiarism. AI plagiarism is using AI writing and passing it off as your own. Traditional plagiarism is using someone else’s words and ideas without proper citation and claiming they’re your own. AI writing generates original text so, it using passes plagiarism checkers. Still, both forms of plagiarism are considered academic misconduct that can get you in a lot of trouble.
What is the Best AI Detector?
Academia has determined Turnitin is their weapon of choice against the 86% of students using AI for school work. They’ve integrated that software into submission portals like Canvas and Blackboard which are everywhere. Meanwhile, Turnitin in actuality is low functionality against software like StealthGPT.
Is StealthGPT Free?
StealthGPT offers the most powerful AI tools at the best values including an unparalleled free trial that gives you access to our AI humanizer and Stealth Writer tools. This great deal is compounded with our staircase pricing model that rewards subscribers by giving them discounts for every month they stay with us. Check out our pricing page to see which StealthGPT package works best for you today!