Blog, AI Detector
Free Turnitin AI Checker
StealthGPT users may have noticed a new feature comfortably sitting on their AI humanizer’s dashboard. Just below your output’s grammar score on the right side of the screen, you will see “Enhanced AI Detection”.
This brand-spanking-new feature is better than how it sounds. It’s not just an AI detector, it’s an "estimator" with real world utility that will aid your student submissions from ever getting penalized for potential plagiarism detection.
By mirroring and mastering the processes behind the top AI detectors on the market, StealthGPT’s artificial intelligence can now closely estimate how those top AI content detectors will analyze your text. Think of it as having a "mock subscription" to the best AI detector out there.
This is fatal blow for detection tools like Turnitin and a solid “W” for AI-generated content in the name of StealthGPT.
Table of Contents
Why You Need Enhanced AI Detection
How to Use StealthGPT’s New Free Turnitin AI Checker
How Close is Our Enhanced AI Detection Score to Turnitin’s AI Score?
Free Trial and Paid Subscriptions
Why You Need Enhanced AI Detection
Knowledge is power. The detailed reports that come with every StealthGPT output offer you the power to customize your text to any of your needs.
Previously, with our Stealth Score, you were given insight into how human your text appeared to AI Detectors. Now, with Enhanced AI Detection, you get the chance to see how Turnitin sees your text in hyper-specialized fashion.
With Turnitin integrated into student submission portals like Canvas and Blackboard, this feature gives you the power to see your submission’s future.
More than ever, students are using AI-generated text in academic papers and higher educational institutions are protecting academic integrity by using AI detection tools. The penalties for getting caught for AI plagiarism can be rather stiff these days, from failing grades and accusations that send you through the bureaucratic nightmare of disciplinary committees, to full on expulsions that tarnish your reputation.
The only way to ensure your text bypasses Turnitin is knowing the results of AI detection before you even submit your work. This tool isn't so much a hack as it is a spoiler.
How to Use StealthGPT’s New Free Turnitin AI Checker
Simply telling you how important this new feature doesn’t quite illustrate its power. I’d like to show you exactly how good this new tool is by creating text in ChatGPT and then passing it through our AI humanizer and Enhanced AI Detection scan then comparing our results to Turnitin’s.
Use our Free AI Detector to check your content
Tasked to draft an essay about Oliver Cromwell, ChatGPT generated the following AI writing for us:

With the first step complete, lets run this essay through StealthGPT so we can get the most high quality AI text, proven to bypass AI detection. Once you plug in your input and receive StealthGPT’s humanized output, you now have the option to use our enhanced detection.

Once your scan is complete, a numerical score appears in the Enhanced AI Detection’s box.

Our humanized Cromwell essay received a score of “0”, meaning we estimate Turnitin AI detector would find 0% AI presence in the text. Free trials come with 5 free scans for every user, after that each scan is available for only one dollar per use.
How Close is Our Enhanced AI Detection Score to Turnitin’s AI Score?
Now that you’ve seen our enhanced AI detection score at work, we can verify its functionality by comparing our results with Turnitin's. The self-proclaimed best AI writing detection software came up with this result after analyzing our Cromwell essay:

With a score of zero by Turnitin, our Enhanced AI Detection estimation came up with the same score. Meaning, if you want to bypass TurnitinAI Detection, StealthGPT can estimate with high accuracy exactly how well your AI text will do.
Academic institutions are tightening their grips on academic ethics codes to ensure students don’t get away with using undetectable generative AI.
However, with an Enhanced AI Detection Score that keeps you one step ahead of Turnitin, StealthGPT now lets you create AI content without fear of unexpected consequences.
Generative AI tools have caused quite a headache for educators but StealthGPT’s constant undermining of new detection capabilities will eventually help win the AI revolution. It's only a matter of time until educational instiutions realize that the only way forward is embracing AI writing. And the best form of AI writing, is StealthGPT's undetectable, humanized text.
Don’t wait for StealthGPT’s innovation to leap AI forward without you, join the thousands of users in our community that have unlocked their content creation potential.
Free Trial and Paid Subscriptions
StealthGPT’s free trial offers college students unlimited uses of our AI humanizer and Stealth Writer to ensure every learner around the world, whether they speak English or not, has access to the best undetectable AI text.
With five free uses of our Enhanced AI detection feature, it's almost as if students now have a Turnitin subscription at your disposal too.
With three payment plans tailored to a wide scope of needs, StealthGPT lets you unlock your potential no matter what stage of your content creation journey you find yourself in.