Blog, Undetectable AI
How To Boost AI Readability
Every new generation responds to cutting-edge technology by asking the same question:
Is reading is a dying art?
The NEA ran a survey that found reading has measurably declined since 2017 and it's not hard to imagine why. Everyone’s on their phones so often, it’s rare to see their mobile device get replaced with a book out in public.
Then again, when you look closer, sometimes those people are on Booktok or Booktube or any other reading phenomenon sweeping Gen Z. Reading is not only a living art, it’s an essential practice businesses rely upon to humanize their products.
Now, with AI writing tools creating text for many websites, it’s the writing itself that needs to be humanized to be made more readable. This guide is going to explore how to boost AI readability for content creators who want to generate engaging content and elevate their blog's user experience.
Table of Contents
What Is Readability?
Why ChatGPT’s text isn’t Readable
Why Readability Matters
How to Boost The Readability of Your AI Content
AI Content Creation With StealthGPT
Hacks, Shortcuts, Tips, and Synonyms
What is Readability?
The unreadable way to define readability is that readability is the metric for how able, willing, and likely someone is to read any piece of text.
The readable definition of readability is how well a text seduces the reader.
Using our first, unreadable definition though, readers are made able to read a piece of text based on how easy it is to understand. That requires simple word choice, shorter sentence length, digestible ideas, and formatting that pleases the eye.
Readers are more willing to read a piece of text based on the high quality of its content, how it's supported by visuals, an active voice vs a passive voice, and the relatability to its writer or the writing process.
Lastly, a reader is more likely to read any piece of text and finish it based on if that content is well-structured, teaches them something they care about, and aligns with their worldview.
My definition of readability is a little bit broader than others because I take readability to mean more than just the simplicity of the text, or how easy it is to read. An article on a racist blog sure might be easy to read, that doesn’t make the darn thing readable, though!
Likewise, writing that is of a higher stylistic standard, with more complicated word choices or complex sentences isn’t necessarily less readable.
A blog written by a Pulitzer Prize winner will probably have more readers than that of a teenage social media influencer, and not because the Prize winner’s writing is simpler. There are always exceptions in art.
Why ChatGPT’s Text Isn’t Readable
ChatGPT or other similar AI tools use language models and algorithms that optimize the information they output for utility, not readability. You’re not intended to share those outputs as articles and expect the readers to flock.
AI Text is designed to have a machine's perplexity and burstiness. It's often so simple and clear that it sounds inhuman. Humans are high in perplexity, exhibiting a randomness in word choice and a complexity in sentence structure and sentence length that isn’t as uniform as a machine would be.
In any piece of human text, some sentences are simple and some are complex. Machines don’t do that. It’s the same recipe every time with artificial intelligence. My recent article about Perplexity and Burstiness will compares how AI tools and humans write.
Why Readability Matters
For writers? The point of what a writer does is to share their ideas and emotions with the world. If those aren't readable, no one can access what you’ve shared.
For students? Essays with high readability tend to get better grades and also show that you’ve actually absorbed your research and learning.
For content creators? The success of your business depends on it. Readability improves your SEO, allowing readers to return to your content and click on whatever you’ve linked. Google also rewards readability by scoring it as high quality, enhancing it’s ability to rank on search engines.
How To Boost The Readability of Your AI Content
Simple. Stop using ChatGPT and start using Humanized AI Text Writers. StealthGPT is the best example.
We can write the humanized text for you or we can take the text ChatGPT generated and humanize it. Humanization is only one step of making a text effectively readable. If you want high-quality content, you will need to take the text further.
Here's an example of ChatGPT's text with low readability:

If we compare two examples of text from ChatGPT and StealthGPT, we can see StealthGPT’s AI humanizer does more than just input simpler alternatives to word choice and sentence structure. It makes the text feel more human by making it flow with rhythm, structuring the sentences to be more digestible, and using more engaging words, not necessarily simpler words.
Let's say you want to use StealthGPT to improve the readability of any piece of text. There are two ways you can do this. Changing the tone or refining the text with prompts.
Here’s how you use StealthGPT’s tone settings:
Go to then open the Stealth app.
Since we’re generating text from scratch, open Stealth Writer.
Click on the gear in the top right corner of the Generate Tool’s dialogue box.
Set Stealth Mode to low, which is the optimal setting for readability.
Set the writing tone to casual.
Write your prompt in the Generate Tool then click Generate when finished.
Let's analyze this example:

Now, we can read this text and differentiate is from ChatGPT. Some pieces of the ChatGPT’s text are simpler, but none of it is more “readable”. Readability means tickling the reader’s imagination, seducing them to read on by offering an intelligent message and enlightening experience.
Maybe the words StealthGPT gave you in this output were a little too complicated for your target audience though. Maybe they want simpler word choice and shorter sentences. Okay, this is how we make StealthGPT outputs more readable using prompts:
Copy and paste the text in the output panel into the Generate Tool’s panel.
Put the original output text in quotations, then start the prompt with instructions on how Stealth Writer can change the text.
If you want it simpler, specify your target audience’s grade level and desired word choice and sentence length.
Check out what we came up with:

Throughout this article, I’ve used bullet points to take you on a step-by-step walkthrough of my process. I didn’t just do that to make things clear, though. I did it because reading is a visual process. I wanted to guide your eye down a vertical format and give you enough white space to make reading this a soothing user experience. Concepts like this have long been employed by content creators to hack a reader’s mind.
If you want more information about what makes StealthGPT tick, our guide about How to Make ChatGPT Undetectable is a must-read.
Hacks, Shortcuts, Tips, and Synonyms
You see what I did with that heading? This guide might be getting a little too meta, even for me. Still, though, it’s fun to demonstrate how humor can increase readability, knowing that playing with word choice doesn’t come at the article’s expense.
Anyway, copywriter hacks to improve readability include:
Use short paragraphs, 4 lines is good.
Use an active voice instead of a passive voice. First or second person.
Use contractions to simplify two words into one.
Make your written content visual by using quotes, bullet points, numbered lists, blocked quotes, headings, subheadings, and bold and italic fonts.
Get personal and use stories to be more relatable.
Use examples, similes, metaphors, and analogies.
Ask questions.
Use short transitions.
Read more about copywriting tips to make your content more readable here. These days the real content writing hack is simply using AI to do all that stuff for you while automating search engine optimization all in a few clicks. StealthGPT can be your huckleberry with completely undetectable, plagiarism-free AI content in the writing style of your choice, for whatever target audience you want, in English or any major language.
Yes, readability is how easy and understandable a piece of text is. It’s also much more than that. The more you connect to a text on a human level is indicative of how readable it is. And humans are complex things.
So, if you want to write readable content, have a human conversation with your reader. And if your version of being human means long sentences and difficult word choice, that doesn’t disqualify the readability of your content no matter what some score says. If you have the right writing style, you can make a vacuum cleaner manual beautifully readable.
Is There A Way I Can Check My Readability?
Yes. There are many readability checker services online that provide you with a readability score for whatever content you input. WebFX and Hemingway Editor are just two examples of these services.
Software like Hemingway Editor utilizes the Flesch Kincaid Grade Level formula to measure the readability of any text. You can learn more about The Flesch Kincaid Grade Level formula for readability here.
What's the Difference Between Making Text More Readable vs. Personalizing Text
Readability is about making a text easier to digest. Personalization is about targeting your text for a specific audience and making the text easier for them to digest. It is possible to personalize text for Gen-Z and make it less readable for boomers. Our article about how to personalize AI-generated text gives you all the details.
Does Humanization Make AI Text More Readable
Absolutely. If you’re planning on using text generated by ChatGPT, humanizing it with AI tools or with your own writing style is an essential step in making it readable content.