Blog, Undetectable AI
How to Personalize AI Written Content: Don't Have A Personality? Just Generate It
There’s a lot of content out in the world today and most of it is completely unreadable. Even plenty of the stuff that’s untouched by artificial intelligence sounds completely robotic. Both machines and readers can tell if the creator doesn't care--The content sounds fake.
In all my years of copywriting, content writing, and just plain old storytelling, the thread running through everything I write is my personality. Just like how you know an iconic band's music from the first note, the best writing gives away its author from the outset.
This may be harder for some people than others. In many cases, having a personality is a form of mental disorder. Even though personality can't be taught to a writer, it is something that can be generated with artificial intelligence. Isn't the future already fun?
StealthGPT's guide to readability is a good turning point to learning how to personalize your work.
This easy step-by-step guide will teach you how to personalize AI written content. That means content creation using AI tools, whether for a class or a blog, that stands out from the sea of bland, meaningless jargon and shares your uniqueness with the world. It will teach you to optimize for readability and user engagement by creating meaningful user experiences just from reading your words.
Before I go into those steps, the biggest leap you can make in your content creation process is getting StealthGPT. If you want AI writing tools that hack a reader's mind into sensing the content’s humanity, you will need StealthGPT to humanize it, then together, you can personalize it.
Table of Contents
Why Personalize Your Text
Personalizing For School vs Personalizing For Digital Marketing
Easy Steps to Personalize Your Text With StealthGPT
StealthGPT – Generate Undetectable Content To Share Your Uniqueness With The World
Why Personalize Your Text?
Whether you’ve taken the steps to humanize your text using the noble services of StealthGPT or gotten cookie-cutter AI-text fresh off the ChatGPT assembly line, inputting a signature style, tone, and outlook is essential to optimizing your text.
You want reading your content to feel like grabbing tacos and a Coke with you.
Personalizing For School vs Personalizing For Digital Marketing
In the world of AI writing tools, personalization takes on two meanings. You can personalize it to make the text sound like you, or you can personalize it to sound like your target audience.
Students using AI writing tools to write their essays and assignments need to personalize their work to pass a teacher's smell test and AI detectors just as much as a corporate blogger needs personalization to tap into a brand voice and achieve their marketing strategy goals.
By now, there has been a great deal of reporting on how AI fares writing essays and where it fails in the process. The key watermarks of AI essay writing are listed in this Forbes piece.
StealthGPT’s machine learning transcends algorithms. This AI-powered invisibility cloak was trained by humanity’s greatest academics and professionals to automate the most high-quality humanized text possible.
You might be able to get a passing grade with humanized text, but taking the extra step of personalizing it can make or break your future. You can’t rely on AI algorithms to become a soaring success, but you can rely on a content creation process that includes your personality.
Bloggers and copywriters need to tap into their company’s brand voice as it belongs to a good friend. Digital marketing for e-commerce brands must foster a human connection between their target audience and their product.
Personalization isn’t just essential to the content marketing and content strategy of any large brand, it’s the motivating force behind everything they publish.
Whenever I write for a brand, I like to share personal stories. All the beers I've shared with musicians as a music writer have led to debaucherous behaviors that make using undetectable AI-written text seem as innocent as helping an old lady cross the street.
It's these personal details that make content fun to write and fun to read as well. If you're having fun, the content won't feel fake.
When you personalize for digital marketing, you're creating tailored content for a demographic. The first part of that process is identifying your target audience using data collection and data analysis.
AI tools can do much of this work for you, and tell you the user behaviors belonging to the people you’re personalizing for. Believe it or not, companies once expected actual living people to analyze this data. Like with writing tools, predictions of integrating AI into the process completely have been around since the beginning.
It's no wonder though, that marketing campaigns rooted so deeply in user data and not real life feel fake. Data analysis is important but it's secondary to personal style because coolness is a universal language whether you're writing for artists, jocks, nerds, or slackers.
Personalizing a marketing campaign, requires you to write in a way that makes the act of reading your words into personalized experiences for every individual user. So, let's examine how to build that experience.
Easy Steps to Personalize Your Text With StealthGPT
Undetectable services are onto something. They understand that humanized, personalized content is closer to the full potential of AI-generated content.
To optimize your content by personalizing it with AI, you’ll have to take these few steps:
Step 1: Humanize It:
If you don’t want to hunch over your laptop for hours restructuring every last sentence ChatGPT generated so it can sound like a regular human being, you’ll have to humanize your text with StealthGPT. Just copy, paste, and click. Wait a few seconds and you're ready to start personalizing.
You can generate AI-text with any chatbot for us to rewrite or you can humanize straight from the source with StealthGPT’s Stealth Writer. It’s like ChatGPT with shades on, making whatever undetectable content you ask for.
Read this article to find out everything you need to know about undetectable text.
Lets say you're starting in ChatGPT like in the sample below. I'm going to tell it to give me a description of the box-office smash hit "Dune" and gear it toward college students:

Yikes! I wouldn't hand that into a professor either...but here is how the text looks after you humanize it with StealthGPT:

The difference is night and day. You could slap StealthGPT's text into a trailer and the movie would become a blockbuster.
Step 2: Input The Right Words:

AI-generated text usually comes up with the most obvious, simplest word choices because the goal of most AI writers is to communicate for utility, not for style. Individuals pick up their favorite words along the way in creating their personal styles. Those words are gold in content writing.
For students personalizing essays, you can rediscover your keywords either by sifting through previous work or thinking about what words you use every day in conversation. Hell, think outside the box. Go back into your social media posts and see what writing comes most naturally to you.
Use our Free AI Detector to check your content
Don't forget to use your AI tools to their fullest. Find unique words used in your favorite books, films, shows, songs, or social media accounts. Ask AI technology to give you personalized recommendations and content recommendations to not just sound more like you, but your best self.
Doing this, in essence, doesn’t just optimize content for readability and user engagement, but it deepens your self-awareness. Before you wanted to sound like your favorite David Lynch film, but now you know the words that can help you write like him.
Using AI tools for digital marketing and copywriting is more data driven than just sounding like yourself. AI can deliver accurate metrics in real-time so you can give your target audience content with a human touch they recognize from their own behaviors.
Once StealthGPT has generated or rewritten your inputs, tell it to add your favorite keywords to the text. Like magic, it’ll animate your content with a slice of life.
Here you can see us entering a prompt to add keywords to our movie description to personalize it toward a new audience. Instead of college students, let's try selling Dune to old people by using words they identify with.
Step 3: Tone Instructions:

Students, content creators, business professionals, bloggers, SEO specialists, and more use AI to write content for a variety of formats. Built into StealthGPT are tone settings that let you choose your voice whether you want to sound academic, professional, or casual.
Once you’ve input keywords into the revised draft of your content, you should continue personalizing the text with tone instructions. Tell StealthGPT to make your content more satirical, playful, or authoritative.
Data analysis can assist in getting content recommendations on where to take the tone of your text. If you can't step into the shoes of the demographic you're asked to write for, keep getting into specific instructions with StealthGPT until all the watermarks of an outsider are removed.
If you need help defining and developing your brand's tone of voice, this article is a good walkthrough.
As far as our prompts go, lets ask StealthGPT to gear our tone towards lovers of romantic comedies.
Step 4: Your Unique Outlook on The World:

Diction and tone are essential to content optimization. You’ve already given StealthGPT the keywords and tone instructions for optimization but style is only part of the equation. There’s also the actual content of what you say.
The beauty of individuality is the wide range of perspectives out there. Without instruction, AI should generate text with a neutral worldview. Sometimes your AI tool will hold biases, but if it is given the right machine learning, it shouldn’t.
If you or your target audience are not neutral and everyone knows, then you need to make sure the opinions in your content sound organic. If you want to get political, instruct your AI which way to lean and how hard. If you write for spiritual readers, tell your AI to get philosophical and bring a higher power into the conversation.
The point of making content in the first place is to share your uniqueness online for everyone to see, read, and hear. Your outlook on the world makes your content better.
You can now produce undetectable, humanized, and personalized content at high volumes better than ever before, so everyone will be able to get a sense of your style.
Finally, we take our text that has been altered to target old people that love romantic comedies and ask StealthGPT to give it a leftist political perspective. As you can see, the engine understands subtlety as it interprets leftism by now noting the budget and deconstructing the media of cinema itself in the description.
StealthGPT – Generate Undetectable Content to Share Your Uniqueness With The World

If you’re utilizing AI to write your content, only StealthGPT can personalize your voice so you can become a "content creating machine".
StealthGPT is a humanity-first technology company. Humanization is the key to its business and machines make life easier so users can all enjoy their own and each other’s humanities. You can make high-quality, undetectable content for just one essay, or an entire blog with StealthGPT and your process will be protected from getting flagged.
By personalizing the humanized text generated or rewritten by StealthGPT, you can tell us how to sound time and time again for any purpose you need.
We’re easy to use, community-friendly, and affordable. Here’s a screenshot of our pricing, so you can discover the option that works best for you.
You need to make your content dynamic, unique, and readable by personalizing it. Personalization is a feature of optimization, essential to your content's readability.
People are reading your content because they want to hang out with you. The easiest way to personalize content is using StealthGPT to humanize it first, then giving us instructions on how to make it sound whether you're trying to achieve marketing goals or academic ambitions.
AI-powered content generation lets us unlock our potential. Personalize your content so we can all share in your irreplaceable, unique style.
What is StealthGPT?
The best undetectable AI writing service on Earth, able to generate or rewrite AI text to sound uncannily human enough to sidestep any AI detector.
What is an AI Humanizer?
A tool used to make text created by machines sound and feel like it was created by a human. The first step before personalizing your content is humanizing it.
Will AI Detectors Still Flag Personalized Content?
AI Detectors are sloppy. They flag writing just for sounding simple. Down to the sentence level, the presence of AI is frequently found by detectors in content that was completely human written. For this reason, the use of AI detection services is questioned and often dumped.
There is no other way to reduce the risk of facing consequences for submitting AI-generated text than personalizing it with an undetectable AI service like StealthGPT.
Where Do People Use AI-Generated Text?
Today, AI writing assistants are everywhere. From e-commerce sites like Amazon to universities, to corporate email marketing, everyone is taking advantage of these advancements in technology to streamline their workflows and create high-quality content.
From personalized essays to the mundane technical writing you'd find in product descriptions and product recommendations. You can either be an actor or a spectator.
For more information on who uses AI-generated text and for what purposes, check out our article.
What Do People Use StealthGPT For?
Humanizing text so it doesn’t get flagged by detectors isn’t all we do. StealthGPT has numerous features such as:
SEO Writer to generate tailored content with search engine optimization in mind to get ahead of the rankings without all the hard work of curating keywords. If you're an SEO writer, you need to check out our guide.
Photo to Answers to snap a picture of any worksheet and process any text questions then receive instant humanized answers.
Chat with PDF to upload a document and chat with it to customize the text to fit your needs and make it undetectable.
Numerous user preferences allow you to customize the StealthGPT experience to suit your needs whether you’re a student, a social media content creator, a digital marketing copywriter, an app developer, and more.